Thursday, July 18, 2013

Using the GPS TK101 to track driving

Ironically, it's the back-to-school season that seems to give parents the worst nightmares about their teen's driving. Suddenly, your child is gone from morning till evening and you've just got to trust that they're spending that time where they're supposed to be ... and that they're coming and going safely.
The frightening facts are that most teens are not driving safely. According to the National Institute of Health, National Institute for Highway Safety, 1 in every 7 teen drivers will have an auto accident during their first year of driving. Worse still, 1 in every 20 teenagers will be in an accident that is
fatal or leaves them seriously injured. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens, beating drugs and guns.
So, no, you're not just an overly paranoid parent for wanting to keep tabs on your teen's driving. Their safety is at risk. The good news is that the latest using the GPS TK101 devices will help you curb bad habits and give you some peace of mind.
The Basic Teen GPS Tracking System
From the moment your teenager acquired their driver's license, you prepared yourself to have a heart attack every time they grabbed their car keys, slammed the door, and sped off into the horizon. The features available on even the most basic Teen GPS Tracking System will alleviate some of the heart attacks, though, and keep your teenager safer.
With the most basic teen GPS tracker, you install a small box in the vehicle and then activate it following the manufacturer's instructions. After activation, you will be able to retrieve information about the vehicle's exact location (within 100 feet, anyway), the direction it's travelling, and even how fast it's being driven right from your own home. Depending on the device you go with, this information can be seen online, delivered to your phone, or via email.
Not only do these features mean that you can keep an eye on your teen's driving habits, but it is a great help if they ever wind up in an accident.
On the less traumatic side of things, this system is a huge bonus if your teen's car is ever stolen. You will be able to call the authorities and give them up-to-date information about where the car is.

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